Saturday, May 28, 2011

[ed burtynsky] oil

2 sneaked photos... oops

rosalyn and i finally went to rom to see ed burtynsky's oil exhibition.
for doors open, admission was free. awesome.
Edward Burtynsky: Oil features fifty-three beautiful and provocative large-format photographs by internationally renowned Canadian artist Edward Burtynsky. His images explore the hotly-debated effects of oil extraction, our international dependency on the substance, and with an unflinching eye, Burtynsky presents us with the reality of oil production as its role in our civilization undergoes massive transformation. Burtynsky's photographs render his subjects with transfixing clarity and detail. His extensive exploration is organized thematically into three distinct groupings: Extraction and Refinement, Transportation and Motor Culture, and The End of Oil.  - from rom

Densified Oil Drums #4 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1997

Oxford Tire Pile #9a Westley, California, USA, 1999

my favourite photographs were all from the end of oil series.
we always hear about all these environmentally hazardous stories, but seeing them in large photographs really made me think again about how much garbage we make in the world.

Recycling #10 Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2001

this photograph was located next to the intro panel.
it had a huge impact on how i viewed the exhibition.
this really hows the bottom of the whole process... bare footprints of the labour-laden workers. sigh..
i was quite surprised by the wall-e-esque oil drum cube mountain that is situated in hamilton.
wonder if i can go and see it in person....

amazing exhibition.
next up, abstract expressionists new york at ago!

3 images from

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