Saturday, June 5, 2010

cranfigcan oatmeal cookie

I went to my favourite cookie shop in the neighbourhood.
Sweet Flour Bake Shop
I can create a cookie the way I like and they mix and bake right then and there for you.
It is simply amazing and delish!
I ordered oatmeal base with cranberries, dried figs and pecans (yes, a healthy choice ;-D)

The fresh out of the oven cookie is warm and moist, though the baking time is brief so it is still bit doughy but I can't get my cranfigcan oatmeal cookie at a grocery store or local bakeshop. mmmmmmmm.
at $2.50 you get two toppings and $.30 per extra topping. It's worth it. It's a place where I visit when I need to give myself a treat!

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