Saturday, June 26, 2010

baby swans

Just a block south of the G20 craziness, a swan family was taking a peaceful nap in the pond near the Queens Quay Marina. So cute! I thought they were some stuffed animals people threw but Carly pointed out that they were baby swans, sleeping! I never seen such fuzzy little things, all tucked in flat before. ADORABLE! It was a long day at the gallery with only 15 people coming by for the total of 8 hours and this was just cute enough to brighten up our day. I guess, thanks to the TTC not working, otherwise we would've missed this.


Knotted Nest said...

They look so sweet! I've actually never seen a baby swan. I did however see two skunks this weekend. Not so cute.

Glad to have found your blog. Lots of inspiring stuff here! Keep in touch :)

kat said...

Hey Kristen, I was so surprised to see them too, so fuzzy!! Skunks don't sound as pleasant as baby swans tho, hope they weren't stinky.