Monday, August 17, 2009

awesome things #949 - 900

#943 Using Q-Tips the way you’re not supposed to use them
so... the box reads it should not be inserted in the ear? Then why did we use it that way for so long????? strange!

#938 Sweatpants aka track pants aka jogging pants
hee hee.. I know who *hearts* these...

#937 The smell of rain on a hot sidewalk
truly great! otherwise why would I have titled my blog morning,RAIN,coffee? lol

#936 Perfect parallel-parking on the first try
I suck at this.. but it does feel amazingly good, so proud of myself when I get it in first try. FOR SURE!!!

#930 Finally getting a piece of popcorn that’s been stuck in your teeth all day out

I think it's always good to finally get that piece of food stuck in your teeth.....

#927 A really cold glass of water on a really hot day
I'd def go for a cold cold can of beer too!!

#925 Watching ‘The Price Is Right’ when you’re at home sick
My mom, my sister and I used to watch this during our lunch breaks while in high school (my school and home was literally 5 min away). The TV would be automatically tuned to the show (as my mom was a fan as well) just as I get home and finish about the time I leave. AMAZING timing!!! It's fun to watch people guess or win the game, but it's always fun to see those old ladies or happy contestants who hug and kiss Bob Barker. lol...

#917 The moment at a concert after the lights go out and before the band comes on stage
My first concert was Weezer+Foo Fighters... I almost got squished flat but definitely one of the most memorable things I had done! Made me love Foo!!!

#912 Hanging your hand out the window of a car
Awwwwwwww the wind..........

#911 Getting served breakfast in bed
Most definitely! This truly is AWESOME!!!! I have yet to experience it.... lol

#908 Peeling an orange in one shot
Something I mastered!!!

#903 Picking scabs
I used to do this all the time when I was little. It's baddddd but so tempting!!!

#900 Multitasking while brushing your teeth
I know who hates it when I do this... lol....

the countdown continues.... AWESOME!

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