my sister and i made this
banana vinegar the other day. it is apparently a new-cool-thing amongst dieters in japan.
1 part banana
1 part honey or brown sugar
1 part vinegar
add them all in a clean glass jar.
let the banana sit for 2 weeks (shake it once a day) and take the banana out, use the vinegar. ta-da!
we used red wine vinegar since i am not a huge fan when it comes to sour things, so chose milder vinegar.
you can drink the vinegar a day after it's made but make sure to take the bananas out on 14th day of making.
the taste is quite refreshing! not too bitter or sour as i thought it would be. i added a spoonful of my magic juice to a cup of water and drank it. result: delicious! well.... not exactly..... it's not your fruit juice or sugar-loaded beverage, but a healthy choice of flavoured water.
apparently if you have a spoonful before your meal, it helps boost your metabolism and reduce body fat content in time. this is kinda sceptical, but i am going to believe that it has all the wonderful benefits of vinegar which i don't eat very much. for most part, i feel i have more energy and don't get too tired after workout. well, at least something's working for me.
my sister and i were in doubts when first making the vinegar, but it taste great and gives me energy boost, so yay for banana vinegar. it also makes amazing salad dressing.. yuuuuummmmmm :-D