Saturday, June 26, 2010

biking by the water

It's been almost a month since I became a 'biker'. Yes, I am still a baby rider compared to those who bike all over the city, because I only bike on residential areas and designated bike paths (I am glad my route to work does not include major streets to bike on). I love love love biking down the lakeshore. The lakescape is gorgeous, ravishing, astonishing, exquisite, splendid, resplendent, superb, stunning, sublime, impressive, grand, magnificent, beautiful..... did I miss anything???

This is as far as my iPhone camera goes.. I've been meaning to purchase a dslr for a year now but always things come up and haven't had the chance to get it.. arg!!! After I move in September, I am really hoping to get my hands on one of those babies.

I mapped to find out how long the waterfront trail was and discovered it's 25km (approx). Actually, that's only within Toronto. The entire waterfront trail runs from Niagara-on-the-Lake all the way up to the edge of Quebec with an approx. distance of 656.3km.

map from [Waterfront Trail]

I want to challenge myself to bike the entire trail, only in Toronto! I wonder how long it would take me. It will be an amazing experience but probably a very tiring one coming back home. Plus, I will be traveling abour 50km since I live 3/4 way of the trail so have to go to the west end, begin, go all the way to the east and come back. wow. Now that I think about it, it's a day's project. My legs will fall off, I know it. Maybe sometime in the fall, when the weather is not too hot and the wind is breezy, I will take my raleigh out for a long long long trail bike ride.

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