I watched Julie & Julia yesterday.
I loved the movie. It was such an adorable movie.
A happy movie that warmed up my late evening,
left me craving boeuf bourguignon, and inspired me to start something new.
Finding 'something to do' (as Julia cooked and published her book
and Julie finished her year long blog with 524 recipes) seemed simple,
but 'doing that something' felt like a huge task.
I am in a transitional phase where nothing is certain...
and decided to find that 'something' which will motivate me,
help me build my career and my life. yes.. I am in search of that 'something to do'.
One thing I really loved about the movie was the relationship Julia and Paul had.
To me, their marriage was perfect.
The way they cared, loved, supported each other and simply enjoy the life as it happened.
Julia found the perfect half in her 40s, a person who truly loved her despite her 'flaws'.
Paul believed in Julia and Eric believed in Julie. Nothing is never too late to start...
but I always fear it and make up excuses...
like how I don't have a husband who supports me and believes in me...
but this is also another excuse.. if I believe in myself, I know I can do it....
I am just lacking that confidence..
What do I want to do?
What can I do?
Can I do it?
I am going to set a goal.. a goal of life..
I never liked reading... so I joined a book club.
My last painting is dated 2004... so bought my first oil painting kit.
One by one... I will pursue my goals... my dreams...
and find the husband to live my dream with... one day.. ;-)