my secret santa gift from Babe.
thank you for a great pricelss gift ;-D
One thing I really love seeing are the kid-oriented exhibition labels at Harbourfront Centre. Honestly, I consider them grownup-oriented as well. Which would you rather read, this:
or this:
I'd say the former, at least as an entry point. The kid labels are also placed a little lower (so grownups have to stoop to read them, dang it!). Incidentally, if you want to find out more about Mike Bayne's work, which is also worth a shout-out, go here.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 2007.
I loved both of the movies, Blanchett is awesome.
I was so happy to hear that the sequel came out almost ten years later.
This is probably my fave Elizabeth movie.
This one and Elizabeth came out around same time and seemed Shakespeare in Love got most of the glory then. It was hooray for Joseph Fiennes though, he was in both movies.
an interesting approach about an interesting man...
I've actually read somewhere that some or all of Shakespeare's plays were gibberish,
since he didn't even go to school to learn to write, thus it is not high literature as is prised today.
Whether it is true or not, I still love his plays, minus Macbeth. I just never really grew fond of that one. scary......
The Tudors, 2007-current. TV series.
An artist profile of Carly Waito []
The first few crystal paintings I did were based on reference photos I sourced online. Now that I have a DSLR and a good macro lens, I take my own photos of specimens I collect myself. I use these images as reference for the paintings which are done with water-mixable oil paints on masonite. The water-mixable oils are great for me since I work from home.
It is a group exhibition [] focusing on the magical aspects of this season and idea of applying mystical qualities to earthly objects. I'm so excited to be included with artists I love, like Naomi Yasui [] and Selena Wong [].
I'm fascinated with the natural world – especially the little parts we feel compelled to pick up and keep. I've always been a collector, and I'm really interested in exploring this common impulse to possess pieces of nature which we find beautiful or curious. These paintings are an extension of this impulse. I'm interested in how we assign complex layers of value to these objects based different factors, like rarity, historical context, scientific significance, subjective notions of beauty, and, for some people, even metaphysical or healing properties.
I am not an early riser. My routine lately is to start around noon and work until my eyes get tired. If I can stay focused, I like to put in a solid 10 hours. I have a hard time painting in the evenings after work (at my part-time gallery job), because my eyes are too strained after a day on the computer. I guess with detailed work like this, it's all about the eyes. And, I'm definitely most productive when I have a deadline to motivate me.
Other than mineral specimens... well, I always have a bunch of things exciting me at any given point, which tend to distract me from whatever responsibility I should be focusing on. Right now I'm knitting like crazy, and I'm especially excited about traditional Norwegian mittens. Since we moved into this apartment a year ago, which has a great backyard, I've been getting pretty serious about gardening - but that obsession is pretty much on hold until I turn the dining room into a seedling grow-op in the late winter. I'm also getting into taking pictures, some of which get posted on my blog []. Basically my blog is a way to focus and express all these interests.
Mostly I collect images in digital form (i.e. saving images from ebay listings). I don't often actually buy them, although I would if I could afford to. I have been buying some vintage science books lately - they are often inexpensive compared to the antique prints I peruse on ebay. I'm hoping to find some more at my favorite charity shop in Thunder Bay when I visit my family for Christmas. I'm bringing an extra suitcase in anticipation! On my last visit I picked up a great book about crystals with fantastic off-coloured old photos, and a book from the series The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau which has the most charming illustrations. These images aren't used directly in my work, but they do feed my creative impulses somewhat.
I love being at home, curled up with my knitting and a glass of red wine in the winter or working out in the garden in the summer. I also love to walk around my neighbourhood, (near High Park) with my camera, or biking up to the Junction on the weekend for breakfast at Espresso Mi Vida. Food is the main thing that occasionally draws me out into the world. Now that it's getting cold, all I can think about is dumpling soon tofu from Buk Chang Dong Soon Tofu in Korea Town - my ultimate comfort food.
For the last five years since finishing design school my main focus has been the ceramic design studio (coe&waito []) I shared with Alissa Coe. We let go of our studio and the production part of our company recently, which has freed up some time and creative energy for other stuff. This is the first time I've really focused on painting and I am so excited to see how it will develop.
I'll be doing more of these mineral paintings. I've also been doing a lot of reading and visual research, thinking about the possibility of a larger body of work which incorporates the mineral paintings but maybe stretches into other media/ideas.
Thanks and happy holidays!
Annual Member's Show & Sale!
December 17, 2009 - December 17, 2009
Opening Reception: Thursday 17 December 2009, 8PM
Bar opens 6 PM. Sale begins 8 PM. The earlier you join the line, the better your chances of getting the exact nugget you've been waiting to sink your teeth into!
Artists: bring us your art and we'll split the dividends from the sale of the work. Feeling generous and love what we do? Give us 100% of the proceeds from the sale and we'll a) love you for ever and b) give you a tax donation for the amount. Partial donations are also accepted. To participate, fill out the PDF form, indicating your current membership status or sign up for a new one! Work must be dropped off no later than Tuesday 15 December.
Line up to get your own little nugget for just $149.99. Cash, visa and cheque accepted for payments. We will wrap the work for you and you can take it away same day!
They’re short and there’s nothing they can do about it except learn to live with their crazy shortness. For this reason, we respect them and think they’re cool.
If you’re really, really short, you feel it, because this is your life:
• Forget seeing anything at concerts. Sure, everybody loves being behind you, but at what price? The standing area is a bad scene and mosh pits are strictly off limits. No, you’re stuck sitting at the bar or watching from the balcony.
• You can’t reach anything. Kitchen cupboards and closest shelves are bad enough, but the worst is when you find yourself somewhere alone and stoolless. People, if you’ve ever found yourself climbing the hotel bar fridge to reach the coffee filters or stepping on the metal grocery store shelf to reach the hot sauce then you know what I’m talking about.
• Hard to date people. Well, not hard, but complicated. I mean, would you date someone really, really short? If not, you see the problem here. And don’t even get me started the short-guys-dancing-with-tall-girls things. Fellas, I been there, too. It’s not easy.
• You can forget about that pro-volleyball career. You might still make it as a referee, but that’s about it.
• Shorter life span. Sadly, according to these eggheads at The New York Times short people are more likely to develop coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. To add insult to injury, they’re apparently less educated and make less cash at their jobs, too. Bummer.
• You’re constantly adjusting driver’s seats and mirrors. On top of that, really, really tall people complain when they get in the car after you and have to adjust everything because they can’t fit.
• Some roller coasters are off limits. Minimum height requirements are clearly relics from a discriminatory society that inhabited this land before us.
It really is a tough life.
So next time you see a really, really short person, break out the empathy. Remember: they’re short and there’s nothing they can do except learn to live with their crazy shortness. Sure, they buy cheaper children’s clothes, find the best spots in Hide and Seek, and curl easily into cramped spooning arrangements, but they also have to live life with a lot of limits. In this upside-down and inside-out world, that’s worth something.
So go on and throw them a smile and a nod, a cracking high five, or just some quiet and humble respect.